Why is Our Monetary System Crashing?

…or How the Federal Reserve is Confiscating the Wealth of America Right Before Our Eyes.

The economic and monetary systems of the world are crashing. It started in 1971 when Nixon took the U. S. off the gold standard. There have been several severe stock market crashes and recessions since then, most notably in 2007 – 2008 when it almost crashed to the ground. The system was temporarily saved by essentially printing huge quantities of money and giving it to the banks so they could save themselves, and hoping that this would save the rest of the economy. It hasn’t worked. It has had the effect of being a massive transfer of wealth from the middle class workers to the 0.1% wealthy elite. The average Joe can’t put his finger on how they are doing it, but he knows things aren’t right, that he is always worse off this year than last, and that things are starting to spin out of control.

First, it was Obama’s $800 billion stimulus package to bail out the banks–a gift to the well-connected. $100 billion in tax rebates ($600 per capita) to try to get you to spend money to get the economy moving. All kinds of “shovel ready” jobs to benefit favored construction companies. TARP (Troubled Assets Relief Program), bailouts of Citigroup, Bank of America, AIG, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, GM, Chrysler,  “cash for clunkers” and other money give-aways. This is also known as Quantitative Easing 1 (QE1 2007 – 2010).

Next, a series of additional theft “programs” to make the rich richer: Quantitative Easing 2 (QE2 2010 – 2011); Operation Twist (2011 – 2012); QE3 (2012 – 2014).

All of these programs are legalized theft to the tune of greater than $7 TRILLION, perpetrated by the Federal Reserve but enabled by our own government.

What is this all about, you may ask? It is about destroying the American currency, and with it the American economy, and replacing it with an new digital “global currency”, a cashless system in which access to the digital money in your account can be shut off if you don’t behave properly.

Here is a link to an excellent audio presentation explaining how QE works to steal our wealth in plain sight

What is TARP and Quanitative Easing?

Future posts will take a look at the War On Cash and Negative Interest Rates–which will be  coming to a bank near you!


18 responses to “Why is Our Monetary System Crashing?”

  1. Anonymous says :

    And this is related to Speea how???


    • Anonymous says :

      In the luatic fringes mind it is.


    • trustedboeing says :

      While we are waiting to see if we ever get any compensation for all that was stolen from us, this blog is attempting to provide our loyal readers with other information relating to finances and politics that may have profound effects on your ability to retire in comfort without becoming a burden to your children.

      You worked your entire life playing by a set of rules under which you were promised that if you delayed immediate gratification to save for your future retirement, all those lifelong savings would be there waiting for you. This model worked for most of our parents very well.

      But the world has changed. The whole world is awash in debt that can never be repaid. The defaulting on this debt by governments, corporations and individuals will cause life-altering changes to our society–mostly very bad changes. Changes which will threaten the stability of society, because our society is near the breaking point. Our economy and society are like spinning china plates balanced on long poles…and the Federal Reserve is having a hard time getting to each pole in turn in order to give it another spin (reference to the Ed Sullivan show and the guy who kept all the plates just barely spinning and would get to each just before they crashed).

      The theft of these saved benefits by corporations and governments is happening, in the case of Boeing and the IAM, because they are able to get away with it by manipulating a crooked legal system; and, with other savings and benefits denominated in dollars, because the government has been slowly stealing your money by inflating the money supply, thereby diluting the value of your saved dollars. Since 1913, when the Federal Reserve system was created, a dollar now has only 4 cents in purchasing power compared to then–a 96% loss in value. This has been happening for years now, the slow theft of saved wealth.

      But more drastic changes are coming! Changes that will probably destroy the finances of everyone except the rich, and thereby impoverish most of the middle class and probably all of those receiving any kind of government payment/benefit. It may also cause the social fabric of our society to unweave. Just think what will happen if all those people (currently about 50% of the people in the U.S.) suddenly stop getting any monthly payment/benefits from Uncle Sam because the currency has collapsed. It would be chaos.

      The collapse is happening right now. It is happening world-wide. It has been happening for some years, only slowly. It may take 10 more years before the destruction is complete or the crash could happen this year, but the rate of the downward spiral is increasing. Just look around you. Don’t you see it?


      • Anonymous says :

        And you want us to do what?


        • Forewarned is Forearmed says :

          Sit on your hands and do nothing just like you probably did with this lawsuit. And take no steps to protect yourself or your family……then bitch about losing your life savings after it crashes. Vote for liar Hillary or communist Bernie and just sit back and watch the train crash, but don’t try to get out of the way because the herd isn’t trying to get out of the way so why should you?


          • Anonymous says :

            Amen, so very well said, the warning is here now, accept it and prepare for the end is almost here, the collapse is coming, we will most likely never see this money before its any good still. 3 hours to strip a wal-mart clean from food. Don’t say you weren’t warned.


          • Anonymous says :

            You mean do just like you, run your big mouth and be the big shot keyboard warrior? Pathetic!


          • Anonymous says :



          • Anonymous says :

            Yes your right this guys attitude is something else, whos his parents, thay should have spanked his but a little more and raised him with respect others. dont prepare who cares, it will fall back on your head.
            And to bad for your family, they depend on you and your going to let them down, so sad.


        • Anonymous says :

          sell stocks if you have ’em and hold cash….


          • Anonymous says :

            Iam ready, i took care of my family, iam not a lazy slacker, i prepared for this, have you? hope so, go to youtube and see for yourself, just type in ( is it getting bad or is it just me) and see for yourself. There you can get the facts.


      • Anonymous says :



    • Anonymous says :

      Its not, but thats o.k.


  2. Anonymous says :

    Do not overlook the fact that the Republicans (Bush) were responsible for the first bailout; all Obama did was sign the bill when he took office. For those of you who do not understand the significance of this information, you need to understand progressives have control of both political parties. We know most democrats are socialist in nature, but don’t be fooled by the republican label, most republicans are RINO’s, (Republican in name only) McConnell, Ryan, are not friends of the working class.


    • Anonymous says :

      But would we have we needed to have a very expensive warunder bush , if clinton have taken out osama bin laden, he had many chances to kill him but he was in a very expensive impeachment trial over lying to a to a judge, remember ( i did not have sex with that woman) then they brought in the monica’s dress that had his semen on it. And all the money he cost americans with the whitewarter land scandle
      and all the women that they say bill had raped, but we should reward him and let him back in the whitehouse so it can start all over again, you have to admit he did bring a bit of dishonor to america and to the whitehouse. maybe if we didnt have to spend all the money on bill and now obama, where he bailed out the banks and a.i.g. that triggered all the bonus’s for everyone in those companys without checking out first with the house and senate leaders to keep the ex.from getting large bonus from the bailouts. So you see i guess both partys are screwed up a bit and need our help to keep them straight, thats straight not gay, but just straight. have A GOOD DAY.


  3. Anonymous says :

    7:41 PM Guy, if you come to my door for begging for food, and your nice i will give you some, but if you come to my house in a threating mood and try to take my food i will shoot you dead in a split second, if you were smart you would change your attitude, because iam sure your wife and kids are on pins and needles all the time and scared of you, you need to put your arms around them and tell them how much you love them and care about, then start and prepare a food supply and water supply because iam warning you things are about to happend in this country that you and i cannot control so i ask you very nice please look around and see what you have to be thankful for and prepare, prepare, prepare, because its going to get so bad and nasty that you and i cannot concieve whats about to happen. So please just think before you say evil things that can get you killed, please.


  4. Anonymous says :



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